Additional Training

At Performance Flight we provide the best pilot training available with unmatched standards of quality and precision.
The additional training programs we offer are no exception. Whether you're flying with real jet pilots or training for currency, our exceptional instructors will advance your skills so that you are flying with a higher degree of proficiency and safety.

Jet Mentorship
Have you ever wanted to fly a jet at incredibly fast speeds and climb to FL450 where you can see the curve of the earth? At Performance Flight we can make it happen. Our pilots are multi-thousand hour professionals who’ve flown all kinds of heavy equipment. We’ll work on both ground and flight topics to help prepare you for a Type Rating. You’ll learn about high altitude aerodynamics, high altitude physiology, turbine systems, and everything else you need before starting a Type Rating.
More and more, jet manufacturers have embraced Garmin avionics, conveniently the same systems that we use in our Cirrus aircraft. You’ll be able to learn all the avionics at a fraction of the cost while fine tuning your IFR skills.
If you already have a jet and need a pilot to help you train and to provide a measure of safety, we offer mentor pilots in almost all jets, either on a full time or hourly basis. Contact us to learn more.

Currency Training
Good pilots practice often and consider training a way of life. Whether you’re a new pilot or have thousands of hours, there’s always an opportunity to learn more and to fine-tune your skills. If you haven’t flown in a while, we’ll help you reacquaint yourself with the plane and the in-flight experience. Performance Flight offers training to help achieve FAA required currency including a Biannual Flight Review (BFR), as well as an Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC).
You’ll work with one of our highly trained and experienced instructors in one of our planes, or we’ll work with you in your own aircraft. If you haven’t flown in a while it’s no problem. We’ll get you comfortable with the plane quickly and help you get back to a proficiency level where you can fly solo again. Even after 20 years without flying our programs will get you caught up and back in the game.
Regardless of the type of plane you’re flying we offer a variety of currency programs, customized for the individual client. Contact us to learn more.

Companion Training
If there’s someone who flies with you on a regular basis—spouse, child, friend, or business associate—Performance Flight offers an exceptional companion program. The commitment of both time and money or simply a lack of interest may preclude them from becoming a pilot, but they can still take our non-certification-based program to learn several techniques that will allow them to assist you in flight and be a part of the experience.
Learning skills such as landing, radio communications, and CAPS (Cirrus Airframe Parachute System) are wonderful confidence builders for your passengers.
Companion training packages include two hours of ground school – along with the necessary flight time - to discuss the types of situations that might require their intervention and an overview of what will be learned.
“Performance Flight’s professional Certified Flight Instructors are just a breath of fresh air.”